KP Policy Board Members visits BKMC-MTI
Press Release Media Cell BKMC-MTI June 22nd, 2022
Swabi: A Team from KP Policy Board visited Bacha Khan Medical Complex (MTI) on, Tuesday 21st June 2022 for MTI Act Gap Analysis Audit.
A session was arranged with the stakeholders of BKMC-MTI in the conference room to have a comprehensive overview of various goals and ways forward to overcome the shortcomings.
KP policy board appreciates what the management of BKMC-MTI is already doing regarding patient safety goals, Things and processes can be improved and for this purpose team, BKMC under the supervision of hospital administration will achieve the desired standards.
KP Policy board members along with the Hospital Director, Medical Director, Nursing Director, HR Manager, and Manager Facilities visited in details in details all units of the hospital such as the new A&E Burn Unit, OPD, CSSD, OT, ICU, Dialysis, and other wards, HD briefed the members, the KP policy board members appreciated the step taken for patient care and patient safety.
A seminar was also arranged about patient safety goals in which the board member gave brief lectures to the participant, beside hospital administration, HoD of different units, nursing staff, technicians, pharmacy, information system, HR, and administrative officers participated in the seminar.