Bacha Khan Medical Complex MTI-Swabi

Attached Teaching Hospital of
Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Manager Pharmacy

The Department of Pharmacy Services is a part of the clinical support services available in Bacha khan medical complex. The main focus is to provide quality ambulatory and in-patient care services, as well as effective pharmacy practice through optimal individualized pharmaceutical care to patients. The department is also responsible for forecasting the needs of drugs and consumables.

Pharmacy Store

Pharmacy store is situated at ground floor of admin block. It serves as a centralized first line receiving point. Pharmacy store is supervised by 2 pharmacists working Monday to Friday in morning shift. It provides floor stocks to the OTs, nursing units , ER medicine store and attached THQ hospitals Lahor and Topi.

Emergency & Burn center Pharmacy and Medicine store

E & burn Medicine store is located at first floor of Accident & Emergency burn center building. It operates 24/7 under the supervision of 4 Pharmacists catering the pharmacy needs of the Emergency department.

Hepatitis control program (HCP) and Insulin D-TALK program

This Pharmacy deals all the patients of Hepatitis control program & diabetic patients, it is open Monday to Friday in morning shift and provides medications to patient as per defined SOP.

Abdul Basit