Weekly CPC Meeting, 30 Nov 2022
Swabi: Department of Anesthesiology GKMC/BKMC-MTI arranged the clinic-pathological conference (CPC) meeting at the Auditorium. An outstanding case report was presented by the Head of the Anesthesia Department Dr. Amna Tariq. The topic was “Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema”. The presentation was followed by “Pre-Operative Assessment by Assistant Professor Anesthesia Dr. Kashmala Javaid
The CPC was attended by the Chairman of the surgery department Prof. Dr. Mukhtyar Ali, Professor Dr. Ishtiaq, HoD psychiatry Dr. Asif Kamal, Assistant Professor Dr. Sajjad, and other Faculty members and doctors.
Later on, a questions and answers session was held about the topic, and the faculty participated in it. Dr. Amna Tariq and Dr. Kashmala Javaid answered the questions of the participant.