Bacha Khan Medical Complex MTI-Swabi

Attached Teaching Hospital of
Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Swabi: Department of Medicine GKMC/BKMC-MTI arranged the clinicopathological conference (CPC) meeting at the Auditorium. An outstanding presentation was presented by Dr. Shapara Shakeel Internal Medicine Resident (Medicine Department) GKMC/BKMC-MTI. The topic was “PULMONARY VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM”.

CPC was attended by Dean/CEO GKMC/BKMC Prof. Dr. Shams-Ur-Rahman, Hospital Director BKMC-MTI, Medical Director Dr. Shahid Nisar Khalid, Associate Medical Director and HoD orthopedic Dr. Mohammad Saqib, Professor Dr. Mukhtiar Ali, and other respected faculty members and doctors participated.

A question and answer session was also held at CPC. HoD Pulmonology Dr. Qasim answered the questions raised by the respected faculty members in the CPC.

The dean appreciated the efforts being made by the Pulmonology department headed by Dr. Qasim Nawaz and emphasized faculty members, Doctors, and other Allied hospitals to attend CPC meetings regularly.

The CPC was attended by the Community Medicine Department and other relative departments as well.